So I've decided that my blog needs a theme.

Books.Books.Books =)

Books or movies?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



*Has funky shoes
*Is "kind-of" a vegetarian..but not really
*Wishes her name was spelt "Ali", like mine.
*Is sitting next to me talking about True Blood (She doesn't like the guy called James..)

Wait.. That might be Twilight.



This is a post about my best friend KATE!

Kate is cooler then I am.
Kate has a cool watch.
Kate is the person who saved me in computing because i would be loner with out her.
Kate is my hero.
Kate is cooler then i am (I wrote it twice 'cause its double true.)
Kate is my only friend although she doesn't really like me.
Kate is cool and doens't wear crocs like i do.
kate is the one i wish i was with in every class.
Kate has more friends then me.
Kate has the best comeback 'shut up'

Kate can't spell (doens't)

Copyright Laws

For Task Twelve of this assignment, we have to write a post explaining the laws of copyright.

Copyright is a set of rules and rights that are given to the original author or creater of a piece of work. It gives them the right to copy, distribute and adapt the work. Copyright lasts for a set period of time after which the work is released into public domain. Copyright laws can be assigned, transferred or liscensed. They cover a broad range of work. © Ali Mullins 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

I really need to finish another book.
I've started about three, am halfway through two and have another two on order.
Better get on to that...