So I've decided that my blog needs a theme.

Books.Books.Books =)

Books or movies?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Louisa and other things..

Louisa: * Asked me to write a post about her.
* Is currently texting me about The Performing Arts Festival..which is tomorrow
* Is one of my best friends
* Is going to fall asleep any second
* Walks to school with me every morning
* Wishes she was me, and had a cool blog
* Is a vegetarian.
* Is very hungry at this moment
* Does not like dirty houses
* Cannot walk properly in her school shoes
* Is really preeeetttyy =)

I am very sorry Porter, I did not have much time when writing your post.
You are still my computing buddy, and I know that right now you are monitoring the BOM website...because you always are.
Either that, or sitting on my Facebook waiting for me to become a fan of something you can comment on.

I am also sorry that Porter took over your post like this Louisa...But it is not surprising.
As Porter is a well-known bully.

=D xxxx


  1. i accept you apology ali, however did you post this today or last night?
