So I've decided that my blog needs a theme.

Books.Books.Books =)

Books or movies?

Friday, March 12, 2010


I just washed my hair and finally got all the knots out from yesterday.
I looked fairly ridiculous.
On the other hand, Porter (Papa Smurf) was amazing with her red tights and santa claus beard =)

A special mention also to 'Murphinator' for her performance =)

Today I am hopefully going to Louisa's and making sushi and then going to the movies.
We are going to see 'Remember Me'.
Which looks a little boring. But that's okay.

I am also hopefully going to buy "Alice in Wonderland' because I really want to read it.
Even though I have a pile of about 8 books that I still haven't read yet.

I must go now.
Have a 'sick as' Saturday.
(As quoted by Claire R)

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